Data modelling and Relational database design
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Modern database and applications development software is so easy to use that many people can quickly learn to implement a simple database and develop simple applications within a week or so, without giving design much thought. As data volume grows and when users request addition functionality, they might incorrectly add columns in table since appropriate database design is not available. This not only causes data redundancy in database but also can cause performance issue to application and database as well. Ultimately, due to poor database design, the business would be the loser.
Have published as course in Udemy. This course uses the Oracle SQL Data modeler extensively to discuss and demonstrate Database modelling and Database design.
Oracle SQL Data modeler is a tool, which make learning Data modelling and Database design much easier and also provides you with a professional approach design database for business application effectively to plan, develop, implement and maintain them on an ongoing process.
In this course you would learn:
- Process Modelling
- Develop a Data Flow Diagram by identifying processes, external agents, information stores and information flows that show how the information flows Business flow Diagram
- Logical Model
- Create an Entity Relationship Diagram by identifying entities, attributes, relationships.
- Normalize the Entity Relationship Diagram to third Normal form
- Relational Model
- Validate Logical and Relational Model through Design rules
- Engineer the Entity Relationship Model into an relational database design
- Complete the Physical Model and generate the DDL scripts
To know more about this course, please click here to know more details and for enrollment in the course
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