All the Best Satyam!!!!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Had written earlier in the month of January 2009 about Satyam. It's good to note, that few of the companies has shown interest in acquiring Satyam. But, expression of interest is just one part of it. In the current economic condition acquiring/merging and keep it alive is the most important part.
Most of the companies which had shown interest in acquiring are public limited companies and having share listed in stocke exchanges and naturally would expect the financial position of the Satyam known to its Stake holder.
Satyam had announced that it would be providing the details of it financial position to the bidding companies. Its important that, being a public listed company Satyam has to not only provide financial position to bidding companies but to public as well, so that acquisition or merger happen in a transparent manner.
Good Luck! let the truth (Satyam!!!) win.